Something Old

My new motto is : Every day I am learning something old. There is indeed nothing new under the sun. Even when it comes to game development. I stand on the shoulders of many great programmers that make the tools available I use. Mainly GDevelop at this moment in time. I really like the community that is behind it and the open source platform it has made. It gives a lot of freedom to mess around with ideas and rapidly come to working games. Yet most of the time I am using things that are made by someone else and thus are old. This week I sat out to make in app purchases possible through the Google PlayStore. This way one can buy the advertisement free version of 100BOBOS and of course support my efforts at the same time. Arthuro555 and 4ian have made a wonderful extension in Gdevelop that has made it possible. And even though it says it is only experimental it works perfect. Test it out yourself ;-).

I plan to start working on a new project in the meanwhile even though the other two games could really need some fixes here and there. At this moment in time I am developing as many game as I can to see what kind of game play will be liked the most by you. Please test out my work in the play-store and let me know your findings.

I also have a Fiverr account. If you have some game ideas yourself and want to collaborate then please contact me there and we can discover together how I can help you out.

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